Hormonal Birth Control and Nutrient Depletion - What's the Scoop?

Hormonal birth control, it's a bit of a double-edged sword, isn't it? On one hand, it's a godsend, giving us the power to decide when we want to start our families. On the other hand, it's a bit of a nutrient burglar, sneaking away with some of our essential vitamins and minerals. So, what's the deal with that?

Now, let's be clear. There's nothing WRONG with taking hormonal birth control. It's a personal choice and can be a lifesaver for many of us. But why settle for not knowing what's happening inside our bodies while we're on it? We're all about being informed, right?

Hormonal birth control can deplete certain nutrients in our bodies. These nutrients are like the unsung heroes of our health, working behind the scenes to keep us feeling our best. So, let's shine a spotlight on them.

Let's dive into the world of B6, Folate, and Magnesium - the nutrients that often get the short end of the stick when we're on hormonal birth control.

Vitamin B6

This vitamin is a bit of a multitasker. It's involved in over 100 enzyme reactions, mostly related to protein metabolism. It's also a key player in brain development during pregnancy and infancy as well as immune function. But hormonal birth control, why must you interfere? Women on the pill may need extra B6, as birth control can lower the levels of this crucial vitamin. So, we might need to up our intake of B6-rich foods like chickpeas, tuna, and bananas. Or consider a supplement, but remember, always chat with your healthcare provider first.

Folate (Vitamin B9)

Folate, we salute you. You're essential for cell growth, metabolism, and the creation of DNA. Plus, you're super important for pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects in their babies. But, alas, hormonal birth control can lower folate levels. So, we might need to up our intake of folate-rich foods like leafy greens, beans, and fortified cereals. And again, a supplement might be a good idea, but check with your healthcare provider first.


Magnesium, you're the cool, calm, and collected one. You help regulate muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. Plus, you're involved in protein synthesis and energy production. But hormonal birth control can deplete magnesium levels, leaving us feeling a bit off-kilter. So, we might need to up our intake of magnesium-rich foods like almonds, spinach, and black beans. And yes, you guessed it, a supplement might be a good idea, but always consult with your healthcare provider first.


Zinc, you're the strong, silent type. You're involved in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and cell division. Plus, you're crucial for normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence. But hormonal birth control, why must you meddle? Women on the pill may need extra Zinc, as birth control can lower the levels of this essential mineral. So, we might need to up our intake of Zinc-rich foods like oysters, red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, and whole grains. Or consider a supplement, but remember, always chat with your healthcare provider first.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, you're the life of the party. You're an antioxidant that helps protect our cells from damage. You're also involved in the growth and repair of all body tissues, and you play a key role in functions like wound healing and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. But hormonal birth control, why must you be a party pooper? Women on the pill may need extra Vitamin C, as birth control can lower the levels of this vital vitamin. So, we might need to up our intake of Vitamin C-rich foods like oranges, strawberries, 

Be In Charge Of Your Health

So, there you have it. Hormonal birth control, while a fantastic tool, can play a bit of tug-of-war with our nutrient levels. But now that we're in the know, we can take steps to replenish these essential nutrients and keep our bodies humming along. Remember, we're not just women on birth control. We're nutrient-replenishing, health-empowering, unstoppable forces of nature. Now, let's go forth and conquer our health!


Role in Body

Foods Rich in Nutrient

Effect of Hormonal Birth Control

Vitamin B6

Involved in over 100 enzyme reactions, key player in brain development and immune function

Chickpeas, Tuna, Bananas

Can lower levels

Folate (Vitamin B9)

Essential for cell growth, metabolism, creation of DNA, and preventing neural tube defects in babies

Leafy Greens, Beans, Fortified Cereals

Can lower levels


Regulates muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. Involved in protein synthesis and energy production

Almonds, Spinach, Black Beans

Can deplete levels


Involved in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and cell division

Oysters, Red Meat, Poultry, Beans, Nuts, Whole Grains

Can lower levels

Vitamin C

Antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. Involved in the growth and repair of all body tissues

Oranges, Strawberries, Bell Peppers, Broccoli

Can lower levels

This table provides a concise summary of each nutrient's role in the body, foods that are rich in the nutrient, and the effect of hormonal birth control on the nutrient's levels.